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Passkey Support, Phishing Alerts, and Other Updates We Made in 2023

Originally published:|Last updated:|Dashlane

We’ve had a busy year at Dashlane! Here’s a roundup of all the updates we’ve made to help make your life easier and more secure.

We expanded passkey support

On the heels of launching passkey support in 2022, we took steps toward a more secure passwordless future this year. Passkeys are a replacement for passwords, and their built-in strong security standards make them resistant to phishing attacks. They also simplify the process of registering and logging in to websites and apps.

We extended passkey support beyond the web extension to Android and iOS devices. We also fine-tuned and simplified the passkey login experience.

We launched phishing alerts so you can avoid website scams

We launched built-in phishing alerts to provide an additional layer of protection from one of the most common types of cyberattacks. 

Our browser extension Autofill feature already provides phishing protection because it never autofills logins on lookalike or fake sites. The new feature goes a step further. If you copy your credentials from the extension pop-up and try to paste them into a site that looks suspicious, the Dashlane web extension will give you a real-time warning so you can ensure you’re only logging in to sites you trust. These proactive alerts make security simple by providing an extra watchful eye to look out for phishing risks.

We gave you more control of your Dashlane experience

We also introduced several new features to boost security and simplify life for admins and end users. Now you can: 

Recover your Dashlane account with a recovery key

Even though your Dashlane Master Password is the only password you need to remember, it’s still possible to forget it. Due to Dashlane’s zero-knowledge security architecture, traditional account recovery methods aren’t effective. With our new account recovery key feature, you can generate a unique, single-use “spare'' key and save it securely and away from your computer. When used with identity verification, the recovery key enables you to change your Master Password and access your account.

Organize your vault with Collections

We rolled out categories functionality and then improved it (and renamed it Collections) to make folder organization more efficient. You can personalize, share, tag, organize, and filter groups of items so you can find them more easily and take better control of your vault data.

Experience enhanced Autofill

With our Autofill improvements, you can now:

  • Save and update passwords more quickly
  • Search for passwords in the Autofill menu
  • Open Autofill straight from a website’s login text field
  • Turn off Autofill more easily

We enabled smoother, streamlined switching

Switching your password vault to Dashlane has never been easier. This year, we updated our CSV file import capabilities to make it simpler to import your data from another credential manager. This simple, four-step process lets you choose which data fields to import, how your data should appear, and more. If you’re switching to Dashlane from LastPass, you also have the option to import the LastPass data directly to the Dashlane app with just a few clicks.

We provided more ways to tighten security at your business

At Dashlane, we believe a credential manager should offer much more than a secure way to manage passwords and passkeys. Our goal is to provide as many additional layers of security as possible. This year, two enhancements were designed to boost your defensive layers:

SSO with the power of confidential computing

We streamlined and hardened Dashlane’s integration with single sign-on (SSO), allowing employees to log in to their Dashlane account with their corporate SSO credentials. Our new feature, Confidential SSO, is an innovative, patent-pending technology that uses AWS Nitro Secure Enclaves to fully isolate your encryption keys and ensure that no one—not even Dashlane—can see or access each user’s vault keys.

Easier-to-implement  2FA

We improved 2FA code recovery and enforcement control, making it easier for IT admins to implement 2FA for Dashlane across the organization. If admins choose the option of enforcing 2FA, employees are prompted to use a 2FA authenticator app to log in to their Dashlane account. We also added a new 2FA recovery option so employees who lose their 2FA recovery tokens can get support from their IT admin. Hackers can’t access accounts from their own device because the passwordless login method uses a logged in device (what you have) to authenticate a new device - making the authorized user the only one who can add new devices. 

A screenshot of the Dashlane Admin Console showing a list with “2FA recovery codes” circled in red.

We gave IT admins more control

IT admins: We know you have a lot on your plate, so we made these additional changes with you in mind. With these updates, you can:  

Personalize onboarding for employees

You now have more control over employee onboarding with a custom link you can generate and share through your platform of choice, whether that’s Slack, email, or Microsoft Teams. The link directs employees to a landing page you can personalize for your organization with your logo, branding, and messaging.

Delegate certain tasks with the Group Manager role

With this new role in Dashlane, you can delegate group management tasks by designating other team members to create and manage Groups in the Admin Console.

Get additional activity logs

You now have additional visibility into employee logins and sharing information so you can see when they create, share, edit, or delete logins. You can use this data to understand how employees are using Dashlane and improve compliance while maintaining the privacy of each employee’s data.

Simplify and save with Dashlane’s Site License Program

This new program simplifies seat management so you can protect your entire organization. With our predefined, flat-rate packages, you don’t need to pay extra for new users as your organization grows.

Need help navigating common cybersecurity terms, like “zero-knowledge architecture”? Read our e-book.

Other 2023 changes we’re excited about

We continue to be committed to making our customers more secure and demonstrating our industry leadership. Here are some highlights showing how we worked toward these goals in 2023:

More exciting changes coming soon

Two more exciting changes are coming later this month:

  • Passwordless accounts for new users on iOS and Android devices: A passwordless login option will be available to new users when they create their Dashlane account, removing the risk of their Master Password being phished or otherwise compromised. To access their Dashlane account without a Master Password, new users will simply use their mobile device’s biometrics feature or PIN. Then, they’ll be able to use their mobile device to log in to Dashlane anywhere. This option will be rolled out to current Dashlane users in the future.
  • Confidential Provisioning: IT admins will be able to add and remove Dashlane users directly through their Identity Provider (IdP). This feature will improve operational efficiency by eliminating the extra steps of logging in to the Dashlane Admin Console to manage users.

Looking forward to an even better 2024

At Dashlane, we’re constantly innovating. Many of the new features we highlighted here were the first of their kind in the industry. The world of cybersecurity changes quickly, and we continue to iterate and improve so we can support those changes with agility. We expect 2024 to bring another flurry of activity for our teams—and we look forward to sharing more exciting changes in the coming months.

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