Malaika Nicholas
What You Can Expect From Dashlane and the Android 7.0 Nougat Update
It’s finally here! Earlier this week, Google finally released its highly-anticipated Android 7.0 (Nougat) update! Some lucky people will get to see the new Android version sooner than others. According to David Burke, VP of Engineering at Google, owners of the Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P will be the first to get their hands on this update. In […]
How Do Random Password Generators Work?
A random password generator is a software program, hardware device, or online tool that automatically generates a password using parameters that a user sets, including mixed-case letters, numbers, symbols, pronounceability, length, and strength. There are three kinds of random number generators that help make your new passwords: Pseudorandom number generators True random number generators Cryptographically […]
Dashlane and Google Establish New Open Source API Project to Enable Simple, Secure App Logins for Android Users
Today, we’re very excited to announce a very special open-source project that we’re working on with Google to enhance and simplify your security! Dashlane and Google, along with other leading password managers are collaboratively developing “Open YOLO” (You Only Login Once)–an open API for App Developers that will give Android apps the ability to access […]
Introducing Dashlane Business: Innovative Enterprise Identity and Password Management
Today, we’re very excited to announce the launch of Dashlane Business! Thanks to real-time feedback from our customers, we created a true business product that is easily-adoptable, understands and delivers a phenomenal user experience, and meets the rigorous requirements of your growing business. Dashlane Business is intrinsically designed to solve the key identity and password […]
Brand-new Dashlane for iPhone and iPad: Redesigned for a fresh look and effortless experience
Introducing the brand-new Dashlane iPhone and iPad app! We’ve given Dashlane a complete makeover to give you a customized, seamless experience unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before! We built our new iPhone and iPad apps from the ground up using the latest Apple technologies and guidelines, which easily adapts to any iOS device, regardless of […]
How to make “strong” passwords even stronger for World Password Day
Happy World Password Day! As one of the best password managers in the industry, the Dashlane team is excited to participate in the global celebration to remind consumers and businesses to change and protect their passwords. I’m sure you’re going to read countless blog posts, news articles, infographics, security roundups, and other materials on how […]
A Skeptic’s Guide to Password Managers and Security
You’ve probably seen a free password manager app advertised on tech blogs and magazines, security forums, digital ads, etc. and immediately thought: “That’s a goldmine for hackers!” “Is this thing really safe and secure?” “Why would I put all my passwords in a third-party app?” I hear you! You have every right to learn exactly why you […]