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Never Have to Remember Another Password on Your Android Device!

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PRODUCT NEWS: Dashlane becomes the first password manager to offer users automatic login on Android devices.

Published on Thursday 28th May 2015, 12.00pm PT

Today at the annual Google I/O Conference, Google revealed Android M Developer Preview and some exciting new APIs and functionality. Dashlane has integrated two new APIs from Android to offer users automatic login on Android.

Dashlane users can now use their fingertip to log-in to ALL of their apps, without having to ever type in a password ever again.

Dashlane Android Fingerprint

The new feature provides both the convenience of biometric authorization with the security of a strong password framework, meaning our users get the best of both worlds. Users can also unlock Dashlane with their fingerprint so they can manage their passwords and access other sensitive data stored in Dashlane such as payments and notes.

The team has been hard at work improving the Android app of late, with this announcement following the recent release of a new Material Design app on Android.

Dashlane - 5

Here’s what our CEO, Emmanuel Schalit, had to say on the launch:

Dashlane’s integration of Android’s new API shows that convenience and security don’t have to be mutually exclusive. Our usage of fingerprint authentication technology gives consumers a win-win scenario; they get the speed and ease of use they desire, but don’t sacrifice their security.

This is a positive development for both the security and mobile industries. It also brings Dashlane yet another step closer towards becoming a universal identity solution for consumers across all of their devices.  We look forward to delivering this great feature in our beautiful new Material Design Android app.”

Check out the demo video on YouTube. For further info on Google I/O stay tuned to @Dashlane and @googleio.

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