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Almost 2,000 Accounts Affected in Robinhood Hack, Funds Stolen

What you need to know about the Robinhood hack, which compromised almost 2,000 accounts and led to siphoned customer funds. 

How Do I Know if I’ve Been Hacked?

Companies don’t always disclose hacks as soon as they happen. Plus, there are different types of hacks. They can happen to your email, social media, or personal device. So how do you know if you’ve been affected? Here are some clear signs to look out for:

– Unexpected software installs
– Suspicious activity on your bank statement
– Unauthorized charges on your phone bill
– Friend requests sent to strangers

To check whether your personal information has been exposed in a previous hack, visit DeHashed. 

Security camera

What Is the Difference Between a Hack and a Breach?

It all hinges on intent.

A hack is an intentional attack initiated in order to gain unauthorized access to a protected system (like a computer or server) to steal private information or hold the system ransom. A data breach occurs when data is unintentionally left in an unsecured environment and viewed by someone who shouldn’t have access to that data.

Understanding the Dark Side of the Internet

Terms like the dark web and malware get tossed around a lot, though most people only have a vague idea of what they actually mean. Understanding the ins and outs of the internet can feel a little daunting, so we enlisted our favorite writers to help explain the basics below. Because the more you know…

The Easiest Ways to Improve Your Online Security Right Now

  1. Hey, guess what? You probably checked one thing off this list before you even started. Your phone is likely already encrypted. What is encryption exactly? Find out here.
  2. If you’re cruising unprotected on public WiFi (think airport or coffee shop), a hacker with only a very basic bit of knowledge could see everything on your computer. This is why you need a VPN.
  3. Changing your internet safety habits doesn’t have to feel overwhelming. If you only have 5 minutes, here are 5 things you can do to instantly improve your online security.
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We’ll Keep an Eye Out for You

Last year was the worst year on record for data breaches. Strong passwords are your best defense.

Dashlane’s job is to remove the burden of dealing with all those passwords while lowering your risk. In addition to notifying our users whenever there is a major breach, Dashlane offers Dark Web Monitoring with personalized alerts, so if your information is ever compromised, we’ll let you know right away.