
What You Can Expect From Your iOS 10 Update and Dashlane
Updated 9/13/16 Apple’s iOS 10 update is finally here! Apple shared advanced versions of its newest system update with developers months ago, but now it’s your turn to try out iOS 10 on your iPhone and iPad! Since we launched our brand-new iPhone and iPad app earlier this year, we couldn’t wait for Dashlane to adopt […]

Brand-New Dashlane for iPhone and iPad: Redesigned for a Fresh Look and Effortless Experience
Introducing the brand-new Dashlane iPhone and iPad app! We’ve given Dashlane a complete makeover to give you a customized, seamless experience unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before! We built our new iPhone and iPad apps from the ground up using the latest Apple technologies and guidelines, which easily adapts to any iOS device, regardless of […]