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Fostering Gender Inclusivity, Empathy, and Humility Through Recruitment and Employee Engagement at Dashlane

Originally published:|Last updated:|Laurie Baptiste

In July 2022, Dashlane organized a public event on diversity, gender inclusivity, and belonging in technology, with speakers Aurore Malherbes, co-founder and CTO at Padok; Emmanuelle Franquelin, Staff Engineer at Dashlane; and Arthur Thévenet, Senior Engineering Manager at Dashlane.

The event was organized to increase awareness internally, foster relationships within the tech community, and raise awareness about inclusivity, empathy, and humility, which is one of Dashlane’s core values.

Representation of women in STEM

In 2022, women held only 26% of tech-related positions.

Source: Deloitte Insights

The talk, led by Aurore Malherbes, started with the topic of women in tech and how we can make a change. The number of girls and women who choose to pursue a career in tech has always been low, and only 26% of them occupy tech-related positions today. Aurore believes that girls need to be introduced to the tech world at a young age so they can discover all it has to offer. Aurore also believes it’s essential to provide role models for young girls and offer representation as a testimony that women can succeed in this space.

Aurore Malherbes speaking during the event
Aurore Malherbes in the Dashlane Paris office, speaking at the event.

The power of employee choice

At Dashlane, employees can choose to work from home, in the office, or both. Working within this employee-led hybrid model has become a powerful recruitment tool. It allows us to tap into a more diverse pool of candidates, as Emmanuelle Franquelin pointed out during her talk, and fosters new ways of thinking. Having diversity of thought helps us approach problems in novel ways, opens our minds to new possibilities for our product and company, and increases our empathy for our customers and colleagues.

Offering the possibility to work fully remotely means reaching out to a more diverse pool of candidates.” —Emmanuelle Franquelin, Staff Engineer at Dashlane

For Arthur Thévenet, it’s important for managers and individuals to act together to build and foster a better work environment for people where they feel comfortable being their authentic selves.

At Dashlane, we’re actively working to reduce our unconscious biases and hire a diverse workforce. We have rethought our hiring process by: 

  • Interviewing people with different perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences for roles at Dashlane
  • Creating gender-neutral materials
  • Defining a more inclusive interview process (for example, asking the candidate’s preferred pronouns)
  • Opening positions to junior engineers of all educational backgrounds (self-taught, engineering schools, bootcamps)
  • Encouraging internal mobility

The event was followed by informal networking, which allowed attendees to further discuss the topics at hand.

We hope to see more events like this in the tech ecosystem.

Want to hear about how we approach DEIB at Dashlane? Check out how we define define diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging at Dashlane.

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