
What is the Internet of Things and How Safe Is It?
Back in prehistoric times, cave people must have gazed at a fire with wonder while thinking, “Is it safe?” The answer, of course, was “It depends.” Safety precautions are necessary for every new tool. Today, if you use any kind of digital technology connected via wireless technology to the Internet, including cell phones, computers, pet […]

DDoS Attacks Are Crippling Twitter, Amazon, and Reddit. Here’s How.
Updated 10/24/2016 On Friday, October 21, Twitter, Spotify, Reddit, AirBnb, Github, and several major websites reported outages due to a Distributed Denial of Service attack (DD0S). Here’s what you need to know about the attack and how to protect yourself. Wait, what exactly happened? On the morning of October 21, several prominent websites were taken […]