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Express Day at Dashlane: How We Built a Dozen Features Within a Day

Originally published:|Last updated:|Guillaume Maron

At Dashlane, we think autonomy and innovation are key factors for success. Autonomy of teams and autonomy of people allow us to reduce waste and increase team satisfaction, for example, by not validating every decision with the top management. We also believe that autonomy is required for innovation. People & teams can only innovate if they have the freedom to experiment with things they think matter, in their own way.

Fun, innovation, autonomy 

We regularly host Innovation Days as a way to promote fun teamwork, product excellence, and personal autonomy. Our process is simple but powerful: break into small teams, choose a topic, and work on it without our usual Agile process or structure within 24 hours.

Recently, we hosted our first Express Day. Unlike Innovation Days, the goal for Express Day is to complete projects that will improve the user experience within a day, and that can also be released in the next Dashlane update.

During our first express day, we produced over a dozen features and projects across all of our platforms and teams. Here are a few examples:

Password Generator inside the Mac application

Before Express Day, you could only access our Password Generator tool on a desktop device from the browser extension or our website. Soon, you will be able to use our Password Generator tool within your Mac application, without opening your browser! This feature will be available in the next Mac update, and we look forward to building the Windows version during the next Express Day.

In-context password generation in the Android application

Alongside the Password Generator inside the Mac application, we’ve made it easier to use it on Android devices. Now, when you manually add a credential to Dashlane, you can also generate a password while you edit that credential. You can try it for yourself right now! Make sure you have the latest version of Dashlane installed on your Android device.

Basic Authentication

Here is a feature we’ve wanted to implement for a very long time. Dashlane will soon be able to authenticate you on select websites protected by basic HTTP Authentication! There are still some improvements that need to be made, but we look forward to releasing this in a future Dashlane update.

Keyboard navigation in the Desktop applications

Forget your computer mouse or hate using your laptop’s trackpad? We have good news for you: we’re adding more shortcuts to our Windows & Mac applications! For instance, you can use the arrow keys on your keyboard to select a credential in the list view and to navigate within search results. Our new keyboard shortcuts will be available on Windows desktop devices in the next update. Mac support is coming soon!

An improved search algorithm

If you have hundreds of passwords in your account, you’ll love this. We have improved the search algorithm within the desktop applications to give you more accurate results, making it faster and easier to find your personal information or a specific credential. This improvement is already available in your desktop app! Make sure you have the latest version of Dashlane installed on your desktop devices.

These are just a few of the features we worked on during our first Express Day, and we look forward to creating more Express Day features in the future. If you have an idea for an Express Day project, let us know in the comments below!

Want to try these features yourself? Get Dashlane–it’s free! Don’t forget to show your colleagues. Use any of these featues in te workplace with Dashlane Business! Try it free for 30 days!

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