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Case Study: How Consero Global Became Secure Password Process Experts and Earned a 90% Adoption Rate

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Consero Global Case Study

The company

Consero Global
Founded in 2006, Consero Global is disrupting the way companies set up and scale finance departments by delivering Finance-as-a-Service that’s based on a combination of cutting-edge technology, processes, and people.

Financial Services

Company size
1200+ employees

The challenge: Delivering Finance-as-a-Service with top-notch password security

Consero Global uses a well-thought-out software stack and high-quality business insights to provide clients with strong processes and financial clarity. To accomplish this, the organization needs access to clients’ private accounts.  

“Part of what we do is interact with vendors on behalf of our clients, which requires sharing private information,” explains Kartheek S. Head of Information Technology at Consero. 

Consero prides itself on offering top-tier service and security to clients, and to continue doing so, the organization wanted to ensure that all the password practices they were using were secure.

“We needed a real password management solution,” shares Kartheek. “We have over 265 clients and we feel responsible for keeping their account information safe.” 

The IT team crunched the numbers and determined that the delivery team has to remember at least six work credentials and employees sometimes have to remember as many as 30 passwords.

To keep track of all these credentials, Consero used whatever password management solutions their clients had in place. By using multiple solutions with varying quality, the organization was not able to offer the highest level of security to every client and employee.

Consero knew it was time to implement an official enterprise password management process.

“Security is our priority, and we wanted to bring strong password management practices to our clients without disrupting their business,”

 Kartheek S.,
Head of Information Technology, Consero

Consero needed a solution that would enable employees and clients alike to create strong passwords, provide a secure vault for safe storage, and offer an easy implementation rollout. With many Consero employees working in multiple countries, and often remotely, an onboarding- and offboarding-friendly solution was also important. 

The solution: Top-notch security and leading password management processes

Consero had a head start in the search for the ideal password management solution because employees were already familiar with so many offerings on the market. But there was one solution that many employees hoped would be selected.

“We had a lot of advocates for Dashlane, including our CTO. Our employees have evaluated many solutions but Dashlane was the one they wanted to work with.” 

 Kartheek S.,
Head of Information Technology, Consero

Kartheek expands on what really stood out to him, saying, “Dashlane offers a unique combination of robustness and simplicity. It’s a comprehensive tool that’s also easy to use, which is a winning combination.” 

Screenshot of the password vault in the Dashlane browser extension app on desktop.
Dashlane's password vault in the browser extension app on desktop.

Before officially selecting Dashlane for their enterprise password manager, Consero did a test run by onboarding the Tech Support Department to the solution. The organization quickly realized that Dashlane usage shouldn’t be limited. “Security is a company-wide priority, so we want all of our employees to be using Dashlane,” states Kartheek. To bolster security, Consero onboarded just shy of 600 new plan members. 

While getting started on a new solution can sometimes be painful, Consero’s employees loved the ease of importing thousands of passwords into one central, secure location.

“Importing passwords can be a big task but it was easy with Dashlane,”

 Kartheek S.,
Head of Information Technology, Consero

And it’s not just passwords that Consero employees can save in Dashlane. “We can now also safely store answers to follow-up security questions, which saves us a significant amount of time every day,” shares Kartheek. 

The other robust Dashlane features that caught Consero’s eye include: 

  • Single sign-on (SSO) means one set of credentials to access multiple applications 
  • Secure sharing lets employees (and clients) securely share encrypted passwords with individuals or groups
  • Automated employee management shares with an admin when an employee joins
  • Customizable policies help easily ensure compliance across the organization
  • Web extension allows employees to work seamlessly and securely access their logins without repeatedly opening a separate desktop app 
  • Password Generator automatically creates strong, random passwords
A screenshot of Dashlane’s secure sharing portal in the web extension.
A screenshot of Dashlane’s secure sharing portal in the web extension.
A screenshot of the autofill feature retrieving a password with the Dashlane browser extension.
A screenshot of the autofill feature retrieving a password with the Dashlane browser extension.

“With a Chrome extension to make our lives simpler, Dashlane is easy to use"

Kartheek S.,
Head of Information Technology, Consero Global

More on Dashlane

For more information on Dashlane, check out our business page or get started with a trial.  

The result: 600+ Dashlane members, one streamlined password management process 

Today, with a password management process, Consero clients have the best of both worlds: financial security and password security. 

Consero has successfully implemented an easy-to-use password management solution and boasts a 90% Dashlane adoption rate and now has over 600 Dashlane members located in India, the U.S., and Canada.

Because Consero takes security so seriously, new hires automatically receive Dashlane training, which gives every employee a strong foundation for secure password practices. From simplifying onboarding and offboarding processes to providing quick customer support, and more, using Dashlane has paid dividends.

“The support at Dashlane is so fast and helpful!”

Kartheek S.,
Head of Information Technology, Consero Global

Consero’s clients are happy, too.

“We’ve increased our security and helped clients increase theirs,” says Kartheek. “We’re proud to tell our clients that we’re using Dashlane, and really, we think that every company handling client credentials should use Dashlane.” 

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